Welcome 2024!

With the nice, warm weather the last few days, I have started cleaning up the garden and greenhouse, and getting excited for the season ahead! Already there are iris, daffodils, tulips, and new raspberry shoots peeking up through the soil. My plan for this year’s garden includes a beautiful array of fruits and veggies, and fields full of flowers - all to fuel our programs and participants’ hearts, minds and bellies! Along with a summer full of camps for kids, I am also excited to be adding new opportunities for families, couples, and friends, to come out and enjoy all that we have to offer here at the gorgeous Sunflower Farm and Arpeggio Vineyard.

Our first salad greens will be seeded in the greenhouse next week, to join the flowers already popping up in there, and mid February I’m looking forward to hosting our first group of teens, and planting the initial round of Sugar Snap Peas. In March, things will really start ramping up - the farm should be alive with a bunch of newborn lambs, the greenhouse filling up with newly sprouted seedlings, the announcement of our Summer Camp schedule, and, to finish out the month - a full week of celebrating the arrival of Spring, with our Spring Break Camp. It’s such an exciting time - I can hardly wait!

Before fully forging ahead though, I want to take a moment to appreciate what a wonderful winter it has been so far! I had “snow much fun” offering 10 full days of camp over the holidays in December! We had a great turnout and baked and crafted our hearts out. January has flown by, also full of Farm Camps and fun - making treats on the Bus, enjoying our walks around the farm to visit the animals, and trying new foods! I’m so proud of these campers, I decided to start an “Adventure Stars” bulletin board to celebrate their bravery in tasting new things, and it has been a big hit! Who knew a little taste would lead to asking to eat more and more Sprouts!?!

This weekend I will pack up my January/Winter decorations and I must say, I am so ready to fill the house and bus with red, pink, and purple Valentine’s cuteness, and symbols of friendship and affection, as my heart feels like it is bursting with Love for you all, and the opportunity to spend my days doing work that I truly enjoy! I am so grateful to be on this journey, caretaking this lovely property and, at the same time, helping others to enjoy the beautiful world we live in, and the the rich bounty it offers us! With all my heart, thank you for all your support in 2023, and cheers to a fabulous year ahead!!


Happy Leap Day!


Hello! and Farewell August…