Happy Leap Day!

February may have been short, but it was packed full! Along with our regular fun, we started growing some special new relationships, and celebrated a couple big milestones! The garden also got some much needed love this month!

Along with hosting three Farm Day Camps, I led my first Field Trip for teens on Valentine’s Day! With the help of the “Connected Teens,” we got our sugar snap peas planted around the garden teepee, added compost to our raised beds in the greenhouse, and started the first round of salad greens! My “dear old Dad” also came out and helped me get the Strawberry beds and raised flower beds weeded and mulched!

Early in the month, I achieved a long standing goal by completing all the requirements, and passing my inspection, to receive my County License - I can now officially operate as a “Mobile Food Vendor” throughout Jackson County!

In other exciting news: Pollinator Project Rogue Valley came out last week for a visit and we realized we are a great match! Which means we will soon start working together to increase both habitat for native pollinators, and educational opportunities for local students!

Finally, last weekend, I happily hosted a sweet pair of sisters at my “Big & Little Lunch” which marked my first program to include adults in our Farm Bus fun!!

In the upcoming month, I look forward to welcoming the Spring and all the magic it brings, and sincerely hope to share some with you! Coming up in March:

  • Spring Break Camp will run from March 25 - 29 (8:30 - 5:30 each day). REGISTER HERE!.

  • Our Summer Camp schedule and registration info will be announced on March 13! Sign up HERE to get it emailed directly to you.

  • Fun with Flour & Flowers:” our afternoon workshop of Crafting and Baking is coming up on Sunday, March 10th. There’s still time to join us! Learn More and Register HERE.

  • Field Trip season will begin in earnest! Our hands-on, interdisciplinary programs are open to all ages. Read more on our home page, or email us so we can schedule a custom trip for your group!

  • Next weekend, I will start sending out a weekly “newsletter,” which will focus on sharing our weekly Bistro menu & recipes! To get these fun and simple recipes delivered to you each week, simply sign-up BELOW!

    Every month we explore a new theme, and all the recipes are focused on being kid-friendly. In addition, I will offer a couple ideas of how you might involve your kids in helping to make the meal. As I have proven repeatedly, children are much more likely to try new foods, if they have a hand in preparing it!

February was a truly a LOVELY month!


Happy April - we’ve got a fun month ahead - no fooling!


Welcome 2024!