Hello! and Farewell August…

Hi! My name is Michelle, and with the help of my 30’ school-turned-”Farm Bus” - Flora - I run the Farm Bus Bistro - a mobile educational kitchen and greenhouse. We are grateful to have been invited to live at the incredible Sunflower Farm and Arpeggio Vineyard, where, since May of 2022, we have been growing and building our beautiful “Peace Garden” and Farm School site. It is a gorgeous property - and ideal place to host educational programs and awesome events! but we also venture out around the valley, to share our food and fun programs in other great spots! We are all about feel good growing! and love getting people excited about food and flowers, and our beautiful, abundant natural world!

Typically, as a hard-core fan of summer, I am a little sad when the end of August rolls around. But, today is an exciting day! I am achieving a huge goal (by the deadline I gave myself!) and finally publishing my website! It has been a massive learning experience and I am excited to keep building the site! But, for today - “Done is better than Perfect.” as my coach (Jen Sincero) would remind me!

While the school year kicks off next week, here at the farm, we are still in the peak of summer! The garden is overflowing - the cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and loofah! being, hands-down, the most prolific. Although the basil and dahlias are also making a strong showing! My first bean teepee and celery patch have also been a success! And our two weeks of farm camp, that wrapped up last week, were super fun - despite the smoke!! And now, as we round our way into the Fall and special Harvest Season - I am so proud and excited to share what we have built, and invite you all out to enjoy the bounty! Thanks for being on this journey with me! I hope you will join me for some new programs in these coming months!

Finally - Be sure to save the date: Saturday, October 7th - for our “Launch Party,” from 3-5:30pm. More details soon!!


Welcome 2024!