Moving into May

April flew by, in a bit of a blur! Time seemed to get swallowed up by preparations for the Pear Blossom Festival, but we did also manage to get our dahlias and potatoes in the ground, condition the new straw bales for the garden, get the greenhouse organized, and take Flora to Phoenix High School to help my niece’s Leadership class make about 30 dozen treats for a fundraising Bake Sale! Definitely a productive month!

With the Bistro students, we made calzones and smoothies - one of the favorite themes of the year! Kneading dough is always a popular task and the smell of the freshly baked pizza pockets is pretty irresistible.

With the daffodils and tulips winding down, the Iris have now stepped up to take their turn at center stage. The peas, cabbage and cauliflower are also now really racing toward maturity, and we are preparing to put our first corn and squash seeds out in the field next week. We’ll start conditioning the next set of straw bales today, and begin transplanting starts into the ready and waiting ones, in the next few days. It’s all happening!

Flora got some love this past month - with my Dad building her the wood dash I’ve always wanted and a sweet little Manzanita hand rail for the entrance. She’ll also be getting a new serving window and platform in the next couple weeks! It’s so exciting to see these long-awaited finishing touches finally coming to fruition!

May is going to be a super fun month - starting this weekend - with my debut food vending gig at the Master Gardener’s Spring Plant Fair! and then rolling right along with hosting a couple Farm Field Trips, a new workshop “Fun with Flour & Flowers,” AND finally starting to sell at the Thursday Grower’s Market on the 9th!

Final note: Summer Camps are right around the corner and are filling up fast! Check them out HERE and reserve your camper’s spot today!

April Awesomeness:


Strawberries & Summer


Happy April - we’ve got a fun month ahead - no fooling!